
not here for games, taking a look

Alter 39 Von Ottawa, Ontario Online Über 2 Wochen her

Frau Suche eine/n Mann

Basis Information Erzähl uns ein wenig von dir.
  • Ich kann sprechen Englisch
  • Ich würde mich selbst beschreiben als Hey I'm Steph and thanks for visiting my profile. I'm here to see if I could make some friends to talk to. I'm kind of the shy quiet type until you get to know me. I can be fun and playful and I'm open to talking about anything. I don't easily get offended but I do have some defensive tenancies because I have been through a few rough past relationships. People mostly say that I'm a great girl to talk to. Nothing real exciting about where I am living right now. I'm back living in a small town I grew up in. I'll tell you more about it if you are interested in learning about old country lifestyle. I don't act like a hick or anything bizarre like that though. lol I'm not hardcore into gore but I grew up seeing animals being slaughtered. lol I have intelligence, mostly from life experiences. I don't read alot because I have problems remembering what I read. But I do still try to read about psychology, human brain development, other stuff that may be useful or interesting.
    I enjoy listening to black metal/death metal, but I do tend to listen to some music that isn't as heavy. Some of my fav bands are: Nehemah, Blodsrit, Gehenna, Craft, Bloodbath, Hypocrisy, Ihsahn. I'm not interested in the slightest of emo or punk. But obviously I like the metalhead community. I used to have an Ibanez but I don't anymore but I do miss playing guitar. I used to play drums in highschool. Shows that I've seen live are Cannibal Corpse and Immortal. I know it isn't much, I just didn't get around to seeing more. lol
    Plant and animal life, freshwater and marine life, Death Metal/Black Metal, walking in the woods, my cat lol, dark/gothic artwork, long haired men ;), falling in love, feeling loved, being held, feeling needed and wanted, pure honesty,
    People who continuously deny that they may have a mental illness that needs to be treated, all forms of addiction, people who take advantage of others, liars and cheaters, manipulation, control, violence/abuse, exaggerators, arrogance, accusations, name calling,
    As for spirituality, I grew up being forced to go to church as a Luthern. I was forced to attend Sunday school and later on Cataclysm class. I did not enjoy it in the slightest. As I've grown older I have become somewhat hateful towards religion and for a while I had become somewhat of an athiest. I like to believe that the only thing worth calling god is within ourselves. Sometimes I have felt that burning down churches would be an appealing idea especially because I've grown up in a town where there is barely anything but churches, farmers and old people. I had been adopted by a country couple when I was a baby. And so I had grown up around farm life. Its kinda embarrassing to admit sometimes, but its also beneficial because we kill and eat our own beef, pigs, chickens and turkeys. We even grow our own vegetables and they really taste much better than what you buy in stores. I learned how to drive from driving tractors in hay season. Some days I would be out in a field for over 6 hours straight. I didn't mind it, it was something to pass the time and to feel useful. I also enjoy driving around on the old threewheeler. I'm surprised that it actually still runs because it had been pretty beaten up over the years. Far as I know, it still doesn't have any working breaks. lol Then in the winter time there are snowmobiles. Those things kinda make me nervous though because they can go really fast and don't turn corners that well. We usually take them out on a lake where we'd go ice fishing. I prefer fishing in the summer time on a boat though. I like to swim when the water isn't cold. I'm a wuss. Sometimes I like to target practice with some guns. Nothing real special, mostly 22s. People around here look forward to deer season. Thats when the men do alot of drinking in the hidden hunt shack that we have in the woods. I don't hunt but I enjoy taking part in skinning animals.
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Erscheinung & Situation Wie sieht deine aktuelle Situation aus? Beschreibe deine Erscheinung.
  • Mein Körpertyp ist Schlank
  • Meine Größe ist 5' 5 (1.65 m)
  • Meine Augen sind Grün
  • Meine Herkunft ist Kaukasisch
  • Mein Familienstand ist Single
  • Ich habe Kinder Nein
  • Ich möchte Kinder Ja
  • Meine beste Eigenschaft ist Augen
  • Körperkunst Bauchnabelpiercing, Geheime Piercings, Sichtbare Tattoos
  • Mein Haar ist Schwarz
  • Ich habe ein oder mehrere folgende Haustiere Katze, Fisch
  • Bereit umzuziehen Nein
Status Was machst du?
  • Mein Ausbildungsgrad ist Teilweise Hochschule
  • Mein derzeitiges Dienstverhältnis ist Arbeitslos
  • Meine Spezialität ist Andere
  • Mein Job-Titel ist Hairdresser but I didn't like it
  • Ich verdiene im Jahr so viel Weniger als $14,999USD
  • Ich lebe Mit Eltern/Elternteil, Mit Haustier(en)
  • Zuhause Alles ist ruhig
  • Ich bin Raucher Ja - Versuche aufzuhören
  • Ich trinke Ja - Sozial
Persönlichkeit Wie gibst du dich? Was ist dein Geschmack?
  • In der Hauptschule war ich Stille(r)
  • Mein soziales Verhalten ist Schüchtern, Freundlich, Dunkel
  • Meine Interessen und Hobbys sind Kunst & Handwerk, Musik, TV, Internet, Familie, Fotografie, Kochen, Gartenarbeit, Fischen / Jagen
  • Meine Vorstellung einer tollen Zeit ist Mit Freunden ausgehen, Daheim bleiben, Entspannen, Schlafen, Videospiele spielen, TV, In ein Konzert gehen
  • Meine Freunde beschreiben mich als Freundlich, Cool, Albern
Ansichten Ansichten übers Leben.
  • Meine Religion ist Spirituell aber nicht religiös
  • Mein Art Humor ist Clever, Trocken / Sarkastisch, Freundlich, Albern
Geschmack Was magst du?
  • Im Fernsehen sehe ich mir Folgendes gerne an Cartoons, Dokumentationen
  • Wenn ich ins Kino gehe, sehe ich immer Comedy, Horror, Thriller
  • Wenn ich mir Musik anhöre, höre ich immer Metal, Electronic, Industrial, Stimmungsvoll, Dance
  • Wenn ich lese, lese ich immer Biografie, Musik, Natur, Philosophie, Ich mag lesen nicht
Suche nach Wonach suchst du, wenn du an deinen Seelenverwandten denkst?
  • Was findest du attraktiv? Intelligenz, Gutes Aussehen, Tolle Fähigkeiten, Einfühlungsvermögen, Sensibilität, Seltsamkeiten, Nachdenklich
  • Nach welcher Art Beziehung suchst du? Freund, Verpflichtendes

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