
Scarlet Lady Necrotic

Године 42 из Phoenix, Arizona На мрежи Пре више од 2 недеља

Жена тражим жену

Основни подаци Реците нам нешто о себи.
  • Говорим Енглески, Остало
  • Хороскопски знак Рибе
Изглед и стање Какво је Ваше тренутно стање? Опишите како изгледате.
  • Моје грађа У форми
  • Висина 163 цм
  • Боја очију Боје лешника
  • Раса Из Европе, Са Средњег Истока, Амерички домороци, Остало
  • Имам децу Не
  • Желим децу Да
  • Моја најбоља карактеристика Очи
  • Телесна обележја Остало
  • Боја косе Остало
  • Имам Немам кућне љубимце
  • Спреман/Спремна за селидбу Да
Статус Чиме се бавите?
  • Образовни ниво Виша школа
  • Мој радни однос Имам своју фирму
  • Моја струка Забава/Медији
  • Назив мог радног места Hetaera, Femme Domme
  • Мој годишњи приход $30.000USD до $44.999USD
  • Живим Сам(а)
  • Код куће Стално организујем неке журке
  • Пушим Да - лулу
  • Пијем Да - често
Личност Како се понашате? Шта Вам се допада?
  • У средњој школи био/била сам Повучен(а)
  • У друштву сам Уздржан/уздржана, Посматрач, Дружељубив/дружељубива, Занимљив(а), Стално започињем забаву, Стално започињем свађу, Волим да флертујем, Отворен/отоврена, Тамна/Црна, Чудан/чудна
  • Моја интересовања и хобији Уметност и занат, Читање, Учење, Музика, Филмове, Интернет, Глуварење по клубовима, Плес, Породица, Вечере, Фотографија, Религија/Духовност, Путовања, Баштованство, Камповање, Волонтирање, Рачунари
  • Како замишљам провод Дружење с пријатељима, Журке, Шопинг, Волим да испробавам нове ствари, Биоскоп, Блеја, Клубови/барови, Пиће, Читање, Казино, Облачење, Концерт, Посета музеју
  • Мој савршен први састанак I'm really open about this, I LOVE spontaneity.

    I really like to focus on my date when I have one. Any situation that will give me an excuse to get to know the lady while admiring and gazing upon her is quite pleasing by me.

    I enjoy taking tea, coffee, dinner. On an extended date, I might care to take in a movie or theater, but I don't like such experiences off of the focus of exploring on another (in various manners.)

    I really enjoy talking, and hearing the voice and opinion of a women. I enjoy intelligence and strength within a feminine woman, please please no wallflowers or those with no self esteem. I enjoy reservation and subtlety, but the lady MUST be able to engage in being outgoing with me.

    I'd also have to say that I enjoy walks in gardens, forests, on beaches or in other natural environments, where I can smell the flowers on the breeze, and feel the sun (or moon) on my skin. Such settings are a wonderful way to call upon blossoming romance.
  • Одувек сам желео/желела да ****in the woods! I have not had enough!

    I must say, exhibitionism and narcissism are two of my favorite fetishes. I'd LOVE to have ****in a public setting with another self obsessed narcissistic woman.

    Actually, I've never been with a non-white woman, romantically. I'd really like to expand that experience.

    Making love to other professional dancers who like to dance when they ****.

    I'd really like to make love to a singer.

    Another thing I'd really like to find, is another lady to perform ****magick with, my wife and I do so, I just find myself a poly-magician (ha!)

    Hmmm... I also think that I would actually love to watch a female body builder work out.
  • Моји пријатељи кажу да сам Дружељубив/дружељубива, Волим да изазивам невоље, Моји пријатељи желе бити ја, Кул, Савршен(а), Непримерен(а), Волим да флертујем
Погледи/Животни ставови Животни ставови
  • Религија Остало
  • Идем у цркву Сваки дан
  • Мој животни циљ Wow. That's a question.

    I want to become a successful porn and fetish model, sculpt my body into art with various forms of body mod, travel the world, make love to women in as many places as I can manage, take many lovers into my polyamorous-pagan family, run a successful traveling burlesque/circus, form a cult, successfully launch and sustain my Temple (Temple of the Orchard, ) publish at least seven books, become a famous erotic artist and pornographer, have a great big queer polyamourous pagan family with a bunch of kids, and retire to a village I found up on a mountainside, and live full time pagan life as a Priestess and farmer (when I'm decades older than I am now.)

    Or, I could just say, to beautify and queer up the world.
  • Мој смисао за хумор Паметан, Дружељубив/дружељубива, Блесав/блесава, Непримерен(а), Садистички
Укус Шта волите?
  • На ТВ-у увек гледам Не волим ТВ
  • У биоскопу увек гледам Научну фантастику, Комедије, Љубавне, Програми за одрасле
  • Увек слушам Рок, Метал, Електро, Поп, Звукови усисивача, Блуз, Џез, Индустријска, Амбијентална, Денс, Народна, Панк
  • Увек читам Античке, Стрипове, Фантазије, Фикције, Здравствене, Историјске, Хороре, Музика, Мистерије, Природа, Филозофске, Поезија, Религија, Ја сам писац
  • Како замишљам добру забаву My idea of fun generally involves almost any manner of activity in the presence of a femme woman. Beyond that, there is plenty of play.

    Ecstasis is my real idea of fun. I enjoy saturating my senses with pleasure and pain, I approach life with the same verve I approach ****with.

    I enjoy passion, beauty and mystery. Really, I focus on having fun with everything I do, my life is pretty sexy.

    In specific, I enjoy dancing (a LOT, ) play with women, hiking and camping, good and new food, networking on the internet, shooting erotic and fetish photography, singing, listening to music, ******, reading occult books, discussing philosophy, feminism, love, holding hands...

    Really, I'm I have fun with whatever it is I behold.
Тражим Како замишљате сродну душу?
  • Шта Вас привлачи? Интелигенција, Изглед, Смисао за хумор, Вештине, Саосећајност, Осећајност, Одважност, Чудноватост, Спонтаност, Новац, Моћ, Флертовање, Домишљатост, Брижљивост
  • Шта тражите? I look for beauty and strength.

    I like femmes. In fact, I'm as queer for femme as for women, I really only want them together (though I enjoy masculinity within femme women a lot.)

    I like a good conversation as much as a good lay, I like a woman who can bring eros and poetry into her every area of life. Color and fertile morbidity make me wet.

    I really need to be with women who are self confident and have self knowledge and inner confidence. Kinkiness is a MUST. Creativity and intelligence as well.

    I also enjoy mature women who can get their girly bitch on for the fun of it, and deal with the hard stuff of life like a grown girl when it hits. General positivity and friendliness is a must, though paradoxically, I enjoy morbidity, death lust, sadistic and masochistic humor, and gabbing in vicious cut-downs about things we think blow is one of my FAVORITE activities to engage in with another femme.
  • Какву везу тражите? Пријатељ на Интернету, Пријатељ, Састанак, Интима, Посвећеност

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